Rising Storm 2: Mini-Series
Hello All,
I know everyone in the 29th's busy, so I'll keep this brief. Some buddies and I are filming a mini-series in Rising Storm 2, something similar to Red VS. Blue, but a little more serious. It'll follow one character's experiences in the Vietnam War and be told through his perspective. There will be some stupid and dark humor, as well as a linear, fleshed out story. I'm here to see if I could request an audience with any members of the 29th who would be interested in helping out. We already have a server to film in, and several volunteers for roles such as pilots and minor characters, as well as most of our core cast, but there's still a lot that could be done to really make this series great, and also to use it to shed light on an amazing game. I appreciate you guys taking the time to hear me out, and again, thank you!
- Da Fang